About Us

MCG Law Firm specializes in Intellectual Property, Unfair Competition, Advertising, Consumer Protection, Privacy and Data Protection, Content Management and Protection, Monetization of Innovation and Intellectual Property elements and negotiation.

MCG will be your best partner to advise and assist you strategically and successfully managing the intellectual property rights of your innovations, know-how and new technologies, to generate added value in your proposal and protect your intangible assets.

Our commitment is to protect and transform your innovations, know-how and new technologies into value, based on innovative and solid strategies for the management of intellectual property that allow you to adapt in a safe and very easy way.

Jean-Carlo Costa

He is a founding partner of MCG Law Firm.

He is a lawyer graduated from Universidad de Lima and holds an MBA from Universidad de Chile.

He has more than 15 years of experience, providing comprehensive advice for the registration of trademarks, copyrights, patents, plant varieties and domain names, as well as in the design of strategies for their protection before Customs, INDECOPI, the Public Prosecutor's Office and the criminal Court.

He has represented several holders of intellectual property rights before the Judiciary in matters of unfair competition, advertising, and consumer protection.

In the public sector he has served as a Commissioner in the Copyright Commission; as Vice President of the Transitory Commission of Distinctive Signs and as an Analyst of the Court of Appeals of Intellectual Property of INDECOPI. In private practice, he has been part of several leading law firms.

Ray Meloni

He is a founding partner of MCG Law Firm.

PhD candidate at the University of Alicante, Spain and Master in Law from the University of Lima. He has postgraduate studies on intellectual property in the United States, Europe, and Japan. He has received scholarships from the Governments of France, Spain, and the United States for internships in entities that administer intellectual property systems.

He is an expert lawyer in intellectual property with more than 25 years of administrative and judicial practice in this matter. Currently, he is a consultant for international organizations designing strategies for the protection and management of intellectual property rights for development, while in the academic area he is the Director of the Master of Corporate Law at the University of Lima and professor of the Intellectual Property course in several Graduate Schools and international lecturer on the above-mentioned topics.

In the last seven years he has served as Director of the Directorate of Distinctive Signs of Indecopi and as President of the Commission of this Directorate. Likewise, he was appointed Vice President of the Intellectual Property and Development Committee and of the Advisory Committee on Enforcement of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

Dafne Ramos

She is a partner of MCG Law firm.

Dafne is a lawyer from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos from Lima, Peru, with postgraduate studies in Patents. She also has a Master's Degree in Business Administration from the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas and has Studies in Management and Administration at the EOI Business School in Spain.

She has more than 15 years of experience in Intellectual and Industrial Property, and Innovation Management matters, as well as issues related to Commercial Advertising, Unfair Competition and Consumer Protection, having developed her professional career both in the Public and Private Sector. She is part of the Peruvian team in the PAI program (Program of Assistance to Inventors developed by OMPI). She is a mentor in Peru in Liquid Venture Studio's acceleration programs for emerging food and beverage brands. She is also Consultant in the WIPO Project to support SMEs in the Pacific Alliance´s countries.

Dafne is a member of the Peruvian Association of Intellectual Property and Copyright (APPI), the International Trademark Association (INTA), and the American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA). She has been adjunct professor of the Communications Legislation course at the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC) and in the course of Theatre Production at the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru (PUCP). She is also an invited professor to give lectures at the Master's Degree in Business Law at Universidad de Lima.